
Hey everybody,

I’m Julia from Munich, Germany (living in London,UK now) and just thought I’d start a blog on… well I guess I’ll figure that out as we go along… :)

So here a few things and places I enjoy:

9 Comments to “About”

  1. I learnt German at highschool! And am very keen to get back into it by going to a night course! :) Nice photos!

  2. Hey hey, thx! I like your collections a lot :) it’s so cool to be able to read stuff from someone on the almost exact other side of the globe haha
    how come you want to learn german?

  3. I know it’s such a cool thing. Well I went to Germany when I was 11 and loved it. They had this amazing festival somewhere near Bad Nauheim and it was awesome. When I went to high school my brother learnt German and I wanted to as well so learnt it for four years but it is so hard to actually grasp it properly when you aren’t around German sepakers all the time. Would love to come back to Germany tho! :)

  4. I like all the things you like… and I like that you listed them in picture form. :) Thanks for visiting my site – glad to know about yours now! And ps… I’d love to go to Munich. The only place in Germany I’ve been is Stuttgart, which was cool – and I’d like to explore more!

    • Haha cool, thanks! And well you’re living in one of my favourite cities btw, which I hope to visit again sometime soon :) gonna come back to your site more often to get some input til then…

  5. Nice work! I love the “Corns & pops” blog. I don’t believe we have anything like this in Florida…mix-n-match cereal idea is awesome! Where exactly is this company located? Would love to ck out their website if they have one. Thanks!

  6. Hab deinen Blog gerade entdeckt, über meine Schwester, die Besitzerin des Corns n’ Pops!
    Find alles sehr aufregend, teile deine Liebe zu London, ich wollte dort vor einigen Jahren studieren, bevor ich meinen Mann kennen gelernt hab und mich doch dafür entschied da zu bleiben und eine Familie zu gründen ;) Trotzdem führt uns unser Weg bald wieder in diese unglaublich coole Stadt, also wenn du Tipps hast wo man unbedingt hin muss, man hat ja NIE alles gesehen!

    Grüße aus Wien!

    • Hey Penny!
      Deiner Schwester gehoert das Corns n’ Pops??? Wie genial ist das denn? Haha ich liebe den Laden! Hab ihn leider erst entdeckt kurz bevor ich aus Wien weggezogen bin aber ich werde sicher einen Besuch abstatten wenn ich wieder mal dort bin! In London wohne ich ja erst seit etwas ueber 3 Monaten aber kenne doch schon ein paar Ecken die sich lohnen dort gewesen zu sein :)
      Kannst dich gerne melden wenn du mal wieder herkommst! Liebe Grüße!

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